We do not accept telephone inquiries. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Cancellation for your booking [, Agoda, Hostelworld, or Expedia]

If you have made a reservation through a booking site other than this website, please cancel the reservation through that site. Reservations made through, Agoda, Hostelworld, or Expedia should be cancelled through those sites. Cancellation cannot be processed from here.


Cancellation of reservations made through this website

Please check the cancellation policy before requesting cancellation.
If you have made a reservation through this website, please have your reservation number ready and contact us here on LINE or by inquiry form.

The reservation has not been cancelled until you receive a reply stating that the cancellation has been confirmed. If you do not receive a [notice of confirmed cancellation] from us, please be sure to contact us by e-mail.


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Do you have a booking?
If you have a reservation, please fill in your reservation ID. If you do not know your reservation ID, please fill in the correct check-in date and the name of your reservation.